Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sign up!

Pink Christmas Sign ups have begun. Sign ups will be until July 22nd.

Since last Pink Christmas, Girlfriend Give and Get I have been thinking that this year needed to have some underlying purpose or meaning. This thought has been in my head since March looking for something to focus on or find a way to help someone else. I explored many options. Then last month the answer came.

My 2 year old niece, Claire, is getting ready this month to have a Bone Marrow Transplant in Seattle. She has Diamond Blackfan Aneima. She has had many opportunities in her short, two years of life to show us all how to be brave. Her Transplant will be a long process for her as well as her family. It will also be expensive.

This years Pink Christmas will be in honor of my niece Claire. (you can read about her journey here)
What is Pink Christmas - you can read how it all started here.

Here is how it will work.
  • Pink Christmas is free, with a $10.00 suggested donation. What does that mean? It means that all are welcome to sign up and I am inviting those to who wish to donate to Claire's family to do so. I am sensitive to families expenses and would not want anyone to not sign up because they could not afford it. Each year I will pick a family or organization to focus on for Pink Christmas.
  • To sign up you must leave a comment on this post and then send an email to this is how I will double check to make sure I don't miss anyone.
  • After your email is received you will get an reply email of where you can send your donation.
  • Copy the below questions in your email along with your answers. this questionnaire will be sent only to your Pink Christmas girlfriend for her to start working on your gift.
  • Question #10 will be taken and compiled into the 2007 book of Christmas traditions and emailed to you by November. Feel free to take some time to give the details on one of your favorite Christmas Traditions.

    “Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help us define who we are; they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a confusing world.”

  • Susan Lieberman

    Your name will be put in a pink bowl and drawn out b
    y my daughters to decide who will get who. You will receive a pink envelope in the mail with your “girlfriend” for the Give and Get and a ornament for your tree. Your name is kept a secret so shhhh! Your envelope will come in the mail by the near the end of August.

  • The deadline for the project is November 1st.
  • You will receive an email reminder the first of November to take a photo of your gift and email it back to me. The photos will be compiled and put on the Pink Christmas website to see on Christmas morning. Do not send your gift before you take a photo.

  • I then encourage you to send your gift wrapped gift by December 5th, so it will have plenty of time to arrive to its new home. Then no peeking until Christmas morning.

  • The rules of the gift giving… well there really are no rules to making the gift. But I encourage you to use your creative juices, have part or all of your gift made by hand and share a piece of you. Keep in mind there is someone out there thinking of you during this time and creating something just for you. Only give something that you too would want to receive.

Have fun and enjoy the process of this project and be creative and know that by doing this you are sharing a piece of you and helping someone very special this year.

Pink Christmas Questionnaire

  1. Full Name (of course for monogramming purposes)
  2. Address
  3. Email
  4. blog address if you have one
  5. Favorite treats
  6. Colors you love
  7. Colors that you don’t love
  8. A little bit about you. age, kids, grandkids, job, places you have lived, music you like, favorite breakfast cereal - be creative and tell a little about you. (the more you explain about yourself, the personalized your gift can be)
  9. One of your favorite holiday (it can be any holiday) traditions.

Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.

--William Plomer.

Another new thing this year is that I am looking for a few cottage & creative business's who would be interested in sponsoring Pink Christmas. Sponsorship is $25.00 and will go to making Pink Christmas possible. In return I will splatter your name and how they can order your awesome products on everything I send out. I will add your links to the Pink Christmas home page. If your company is interested or you know someone who is email me at apinkchristmas@yahoo.comand don't forget you can get a cute pink t-shirt to wear for the next few months to remind yourself of how creative and generous you are! 100% of profit of Pink Christmas gear will got to Claire and her family. Check it out here.

Here is a graphic to use if you would like to let your friends know on your blog. (thanks Heather for doing this for me!) You can also add it to your side bar.

Thanks and have a happy creating.


Andy said...

Sign me up!

shauna said...

I'm in- add my name!


Traci said...

I would love to join the Pink Christmas this year, I am really excited for it!!!

Mrs. McDaniel said...

I'm so excited to participate! I love that you are focusing on someone/something! Makes it even more special!

Natasha said...

I love how this has Claire and her family involved. It will be especially meaningful this go round. Sign me up!

Natasha said...

When I clicked on the link to learn more about Claire, it didn't work. Am I the only one having this prob?

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I can't wait to participate this year!! Please sign me up.

Jennifer Wilson

stefanie said...

I want to participate and be a sponsor. Thanks, Kristi!

Jessica said...

i am excited to participate this year!

jenny said...

i'm in! :)

Chanel Palmer said...

I can't wait! I'm in.

Rachel said...

Count me in Kristi!

Kari Lynne said...

Sign me up Kristi. I'm so sad that I missed it last year. I can't wait to get going.

Poppy said...

I would love to be a part of this. How much fun. Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea with all of us.

melanie said...

Kristi, I love your idea this year to help Claire and give more meaning and purpose to Pink Christmas! You are amazing!

I am most definitely in!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to join Pink Christmas this year. Sign me up!

Doodle Bugs said...

add me!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Barb said...

I wasn't reading your blog this time last year. I'm so glad you are doing this again. Thank you!

denise @ little ant design said...

so excited for this and the opportunity to help claire. count me in!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to participate. Please count me in.
Melissa Pimentel

Anonymous said...

Please add me! Thanks!

michelle said...

Count me in, Kristi! I love how much thought you have put into this.

everything pink! said...

if you are signing up - you MUST email me your information or I will have no way to add you to the list.

Price Cream Parlor said...

Sign me up! I am so happy that you are doing something for your niece as well! That makes me weepy! So fantastic!

Amanda said...

Sign me up, Kristi! I'm there!

Lauralee said...

I'm in.. I will email you..I love the idea of helping your niece! that is so sweet- and appropriate! love it!

Rebecca said...

Add me too!

How fun!!

Anonymous said...

So excited to get in on something I read about in your blogs!!! Thx for opening this up! Looking forward to all of it...
Lisa in Indiana

Anonymous said...

My SIL told me about this, it sounds great!

Sign me up and I'm going to email you about sponsorship too!

Jill said...

You know I'm in!

Quelly said...

So excited! Sign me up!!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

I am sooo excited- count me in!

Elizabeth said...

Sign me up, too!
Thank you for the opportunity to donate also.

Unknown said...

Can't forget me! :)

I will send my donation and email you about sponsorship.

Thanks Kristi!

Anonymous said...

I was so excited to learn about Pink Christmas! I have been waiting to sign up! You are amazing! What a wonderful cause. Your neice will be in my prayers during this time. What a great reminder to how precious life is.

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up - this is something new for me - I'm very excited!

Shauna said...

Im in! Sounds so fun.
Shauna H

Elisa said...

I'm in...just emailed:)

Rebekah said...

I'm in! This is such a great opportunity for us all!

Becca said...

I am looking forward to this! I will send you my e-mail!

Angie said...

Count me in!

Matt said...

Count me in!

Anna said...

Count me in!

Rachael said...

I would love to participate in this! sounds fun!

Bond Girl 007 said...

i am in

Encore Dance said...

I'm in! Can't wait to get started!!

Laura B. said...

Count me in! Laura

stacy{s} said...

Oh I'm in....

Holly said...

I am excited to do this! I will send the email too.
Thanks for organizing such a fun activity--and providing a way to help where it is needed.

Holly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

yahoo! It is finally time to sign up!
Sign me up!

michelle said...

I'm in! Looking forward to it! :)

Unknown said...

i woudn't miss it!

Jinii said...

I am in. I am so excited.

Faith W said...

Oooo - creative juices flowing! Count me in!

Mandy said...

I would love to join this year! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!

Marla said...

I would love to be a part of Pink Christmas this year!

carlo said...

i am in...neat tieback to service. good thinking!

Julia said...

Count me in!

Alisha said...

HOORAY! Sign me up! I've been waiting for the sign-ups to open:)

~alisha duhon~

Amanda said...

Kristi, sign me up. I'm excited for the kick in my pants to get my creative juices flowing!

Jessica said...

Please add me too!

Shar said...

Please count me in. I am so excited.

Michelle Alley said...

I'm in! I think I already signed up, but better safe than sorry!

scrambled brains said...

I'm excited to participate in making someone's holiday be in the pink!

scrambled brains said...

Add me please!

Cassie L. said...

Can't wait! Count me in!

Julie said...

I'm taking the plunge...sign me up!

Liz Snowden said...

I would love to have a pink Christmas! Sign me up, please!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be part of it this year! And, I love the Claire aspect you've added. It makes it that much more meaningful.

sockiepuppetsmom said...

Can't wait:)

Buffy said...

I'm totally in. I can't remember if I already posted. I am excited and I love the cause. This is my first Pink Christmas...yeah!!!

Lacie said...

Count me in! I'm so excited!!

Chris said...

Sign me up! Sounds very fun!

Stacy said...

I would love to join this year! Sign me up!

TX Girl said...

add me in too

Amber said...

Okay, I admit it I'm a lurking but I would love to participate in Pink Christmas.


Liz said...

Sign me up again this year!

I love your plan for focusing on someone special each year! Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Please include me. Thank you so much for doing this. I can't wait!

Anne said...

just sent you my stuff. If you need help with anything, putting together mailings...whatever, let me know. I'm only 25 minutes away!

katherine said...

I would love to do Pink Christmas!

Danielle said...

great idea...I am in.

joslyn said...

fun. i'm in.

Amy said...

Wow, 76 responses so far! Amazing. Here's mine. I'm already planning what I want to do.

Nicole said...

love it. I am definitely in.

Jessie Riley said...

I'm IN! So excited. I just emailed all my friends! & hope they join in too!

510Jen said...

Sign me up also!


melissaw said...

Sign me up! How exciting! This is going to be great!

Unknown said...

Sign me up - e-mail to follow!

Nic@Nite said...

Sign me up!

Deidra said...

I'm so excited for this. Definitely an "in."

Tina said...

Please sign me up...I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up too! :)

Erin from The Ribbon Spot

Anonymous said...

Oh yea... and add to the sponsor list too :)

Amy said...

Add my name...thanks for taking this on!

Unknown said...

I'm In! Sound really fun and neat -

Anonymous said...

Oh, I adore Christmas; this sounds like so much fun! I'm in!

jessica said...

Natasha has convinced me - so here I am. Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a ton of fun! Put me on the list :)

Rebecca said...

This sounds so fun! I'm already thinking of ideas to make. Sign me up please, I'm sending an e-mail now!

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up Kristi and I'd love to help sponsor it.

Jordan said...

In, in, in!!!

Gina said...

Way fun. Totally in.

Heather said...

You know I am in!

Jenni said...

Sounds fun, count me in!

Kim Sue said...

Me too! I am a "lurker" by way of my sister - Kacey at Doodlebugs. But, I now have a blog and am moving out of the closet :)Excited about the fun!

gramakas said...

This sounds very fun... count me in also! Thanks...

Laurie said...

I'm in! Really excited!

lahdeedaa said...

me too, please.

SalGal said...

Sign me up, Please!

Kathleen said...

I'm in and so excited!

denice said...

I'm in!

the princess said...

i totally want to do this!! thanks for the open invite!

Amanda Neilson said...

I'm in too! I'm so excited.

Anita K. said...

I think this sounds like such fun! I have already sent my email to you. Thanks!

patsy said...

So excited to join in this year-thanks!

Chelsea said...


teresa said...

please sign me up!

[S Rizzle] said...

I am in!

Tasha said...

Me too!

Crystal Kae Taylor said...

I'm in too! Love this idea!

camielle said...

Thank you for doing this...I would love to join in the fun!

Jessie Riley said...

Please sign up our friend Kasey. She is out of town (MEXICO) LUCKY!!! but I'm sure she'll want to do it too!

I'll send you an email for her!
Thanks. Jessie FOR Kasey

hayleyharts said...

Yea! Sounds like fun!

kara jayne said...

I'm so excited to be a part of this! Thanks Kristi for your efforts...sign me up!

TexasLonghornGal said...

Yes, Please sign me up!

Mrs. Shelton said...

I am a little late... but I would really love to do this! Please!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in if its's not too late. I e-mailed you also but haven't heard back. Just let me know. Thanks. Elisa N,

Wendi said...

I'm excited to participate. I think I emailed you my information, but just in case I didn't, I'll email it again. Just giving you a heads up in case it's a duplicate.

Chrissy, said...

I would love to be apart of this! What a great Idea. My prayers are with Claire and her family.

RoRo2 said...

Is it too late to join? I think this would be so fun!

Sandi said...

Didn't find you until it was too late. Plase include me next year.

Nat~Nat said...

Please Sign me up for 2008!

Courtney said...

sounds like fun, sign me up for 2008!